Arrow MPS

Robotic & Rotary Welding

Robotic Welding

Robotic welding represents a significant leap forward in welding technology, offering unparalleled advantages in terms of precision, efficiency and safety. 

One of the hallmark benefits of welding offered by Arrow MPS is its ability to produce high-quality welds with exceptional precision and consistency. Unlike manual welding, which can vary due to human error or fatigue, robotic systems deliver precise welds every time, significantly reducing the risk of defects and ensuring superior product quality. 

Robotic welding systems are designed to operate at a speed and efficiency that far surpasses human capabilities. With the ability to work continuously without breaks, these systems dramatically increase production rates, enabling manufacturers to meet growing demands without compromising on quality. Whether it’s working with delicate electronics or heavy industrial components, robotic welders can be programmed to handle complex welding tasks with ease, making them a valuable asset in any manufacturing operation. 

Machining Capacities

Automated Welding

Transitioning to automated welding and rotary welding technologies addresses numerous challenges inherent in traditional welding methods. Here’s how these advanced solutions turn common problems into opportunities for efficiency, precision and productivity: 

  • Inconsistent Quality: Traditional welding can suffer from variability in quality due to human error and fatigue. Automated welding introduces unparalleled consistency, delivering uniform welds every time. This not only elevates product quality but also reduces the need for costly rework and scrap. 
  • Low Production Speeds: Manual welding processes can significantly limit production speeds. The introduction of automated welding systems, including rotary welding configurations, accelerates production rates, ensuring faster turnaround times and the ability to meet increasing demand without compromising weld integrity. 
  • High Labor Costs and Shortages: Skilled welders are in high demand, leading to high labour costs and staffing challenges. Automated welding significantly reduces dependence on a large skilled workforce, mitigating labour costs and addressing the skilled labour shortage by automating complex welding tasks. 
  • Workplace Safety Concerns: Traditional welding exposes operators to hazardous conditions, including harmful fumes and the risk of burns. Welding systems minimise human interaction with the welding process, enhancing safety and creating a healthier work environment. 
  • Limited flexibility: Adapting manual welding setups for different projects can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. Automated Welding and Rotary Welding technologies offer versatile solutions that can be easily programmed and reconfigured for various applications, improving operational flexibility. 
  • Material Waste: Manual welding processes can lead to significant material waste due to over-welding and spatter. Automated Welding systems are precisely controlled, optimising material use and reducing waste, contributing to more sustainable manufacturing practices. 
  • Difficulty Welding Complex Geometries: Welding intricate or complex geometries manually requires high skill and can lead to errors. Rotary welding excels in handling complex welds with precision, opening up new possibilities in product design and engineering.  

By addressing these common challenges, Arrow MPS welding technologies offer a path to enhanced efficiency, quality and safety in manufacturing operations.  

Elevate Your Manufacturing with the Power of Automatic Welding

The transition to automatic welding, through the use of automatic welding machines, welding robots and robotic welders, represents a significant leap towards achieving operational excellence. This technology not only streamlines production but also ensures superior quality and consistency across welding operations. Here are the pivotal advantages: 

  • Enhanced Precision and Quality: Welding machines are engineered to execute welds with exceptional accuracy, significantly reducing the incidence of defects. The precision afforded by these technologies ensures that every weld is consistent with the last, resulting in products of unparalleled quality. 
  • Increased Production Speed: This increase in speed does not sacrifice quality for quantity, ensuring that high production targets are met without compromising the integrity of the welds. 
  • Reduced Labor Costs: Welding robots minimise the need for a large workforce, significantly cutting labour costs and mitigating the impact of skilled labour shortages. 
  • Improved Safety: Welding can be a hazardous activity, exposing operators to risks such as burns, eye damage, and inhalation of toxic fumes. Robotic welders and automatic welding machines take human workers out of harm’s way, significantly enhancing workplace safety. 
  • Versatility Across Applications: Whether it’s MIG, TIG or spot welding, robotic welders can be equipped to handle a wide array of welding tasks across various industries. 
  • Optimised Resource Use: Automatic welding machines optimise the use of materials and energy. By precisely controlling the amount of material and power used, these machines not only produce less waste but also contribute to more sustainable manufacturing practices. 
  • Seamless Integration into Production Lines: Modern welding robots can be easily integrated into existing production lines, communicating with other machines and systems to create a cohesive and highly efficient manufacturing environment. 

Elevate Precision and Efficiency with Our Welding Rotator and Rotary Welding Positioner Technologies

At the forefront of welding innovation, our mission is to equip clients with the most advanced welding solutions to revolutionise your welding processes. Here’s how we assist our clients in harnessing the full potential of these technologies for unmatched welding efficiency and precision: 

  • Customised Robotic Welding Integration: Understanding that each manufacturing operation has unique requirements, we specialise in customising Robotic Welding solutions that seamlessly integrate into your existing setup. Our expertise in rotary welding positioners ensures that you receive a tailored approach, enhancing your welding capabilities without disrupting your production flow. 
  • State-of-the-Art Welding Rotator Solutions: Our welding rotator technology is designed to support and rotate heavy workpieces during the welding process, ensuring even exposure and consistent weld quality. This not only improves the strength and integrity of the welds but also significantly increases safety by mechanically handling heavy items, reducing the risk of operator injury. 
  • Precision with Rotary Welding Positioner: The rotary welding positioner is key to achieving precision in complex welding tasks. By allowing precise manipulation of the workpiece in multiple axes, it enables optimal positioning for the welding robot, resulting in high-quality welds even in the most challenging applications. This precision is particularly crucial in industries where weld integrity and finish are paramount. 
  • Training and Support: Our experts ensure that your staff are fully equipped to maximise the benefits of the welding rotator and rotary welding positioner technologies, ensuring smooth operation and maintenance. 

Let us transform your welding operations with our advanced welding rotator and rotary welding positioner solutions, driving your success in the competitive manufacturing landscape. 


Robotic welding represents a significant advancement over traditional welding methods, offering unparalleled precision, efficiency, and repeatability. This technology utilises welding robots to automate the welding process, enabling consistent, high-quality welds that are free from human error. The precision of a robotic welder ensures that each weld is executed with exacting accuracy, reducing the need for rework and material waste.

Rotary welding involves the use of rotary welding positioners, which rotate the workpiece around a single axis, providing the welder (manual or automated) with constant access to the joint being welded without the need to reposition the workpiece manually. This method significantly enhances welding operations by improving weld quality, as it allows for smoother, more consistent welds. It also increases safety by reducing the need for welders to work in awkward positions. When integrated with Automated Welding systems, it can further boost production speed and reduce labour costs.Rotary welding involves the use of rotary welding positioners, which rotate the workpiece around a single axis, providing the welder (manual or automated) with constant access to the joint being welded without the need to reposition the workpiece manually. This method significantly enhances welding operations by improving weld quality, as it allows for smoother, more consistent welds. It also increases safety by reducing the need for welders to work in awkward positions. When integrated with Automated Welding systems, it can further boost production speed and reduce labour costs.

An automatic welder and an automatic welding machine are essential for modern manufacturing due to their ability to streamline the welding process, enhance weld quality, and increase production rates. These automated systems are designed to perform welds with minimal human intervention, relying on pre-programmed settings and precision mechanics to ensure consistent results. The key benefit lies in their capability to maintain high productivity levels without sacrificing quality, making them indispensable for industries requiring large-scale production with stringent quality standards.

Welding rotators and rotary welding positioners are designed to improve welding efficiency by facilitating the optimal positioning of the workpiece during the welding process. Welding rotators support and rotate cylindrical workpieces, such as pipes and tanks, allowing for uniform welding around the circumference. Rotary welding positioners, on the other hand, enable precise manipulation of the workpiece in multiple axes, ensuring that every weld is accessible and can be performed in the optimal position.