Arrow MPS

Reverse Engineering

Reverse Engineering

In certain situations, the original drawings or support documentation for your equipment may be unavailable, posing significant challenges to maintenance and operational efficiency. Arrow MPS stands ready to address these challenges head-on with our expert reverse engineering capabilities. 

What is reverse engineering?  

It’s a process where we deconstruct and analyse the design of your existing equipment to recreate accurate documentation and support materials from scratch. This method ensures that your machinery continues to operate at peak performance, even in the absence of original schematics or support documents. Our skilled team employs advanced reverse engineering techniques to meticulously dissect your equipment, identifying its core components and functionalities. This comprehensive understanding allows us to generate detailed drawings and documentation, providing you with the essential information needed to run a seamless operation. 

With Arrow MPS, you gain a partner equipped with the knowledge and technology to support your operations through expert reverse engineering, ensuring that your equipment continues to serve your needs effectively, regardless of the availability of original documentation.

Reverse Engineering

Leveraging Reverse Engineering: A Pathway to Innovation and Efficiency

With the aid of reverse engineering software, businesses can decode the design principles of any component or product, paving the way for improvements, compatibility, and integration. Here are the compelling advantages of incorporating reverse engineering into your development strategy. 

  • Enhanced Product Understanding: Reverse engineering allows engineers to dissect and analyse the construction and operation of a product in detail. This process, facilitated by sophisticated reverse engineering software, provides invaluable insights into the design and manufacturing of a component. 
  • Cost-Effective Innovation: By utilising reverse engineering software, companies can identify and understand the key elements of a successful product without starting from scratch. This approach significantly reduces research and development expenses, enabling cost-effective innovation and allowing businesses to bring enhanced products to market more swiftly. 
  • Customisation and Improvement: Reverse engineering techniques make it possible to tailor existing products to meet consumer needs better or to overcome previously identified limitations. This customisation can lead to the development of superior products that offer a competitive edge in the marketplace. 
  • Obsolescence Management: Reverse engineering provides a solution by allowing companies to recreate and update obsolete parts, ensuring the longevity of critical equipment without being dependent on the original manufacturer. 
  • Compatibility and Integration: Reverse engineering software aids in understanding how different components interact within a system, making it easier to develop new products that are compatible with existing systems.  
  • Intellectual Property Development: Through the process of reverse engineering, companies can uncover unique design principles and techniques, leading to the development of proprietary technology and intellectual property.

Choose Excellence in Reverse Engineering Tools

Our expertise and commitment to innovation position us as the leader in providing state-of-the-art reverse engineering tools. Here’s why we are the go-to choice for businesses seeking precision, efficiency and reliability in reverse engineering. 

  • Unmatched Precision: We understand that the foundation of successful reverse engineering lies in the minutest details. Our tools enable us to deconstruct and analyse complex designs with extraordinary precision, ensuring that every reconstruction or adaptation is flawlessly executed. 
  • Innovative Solutions: This commitment ensures that our clients benefit from the most efficient and effective solutions available, allowing for the rapid turnaround of projects without compromising on quality. 
  • Customised Approach: Understanding that no two projects are alike, we leverage our reverse engineering tools to provide tailored solutions. Whether you are looking to understand a competitor’s product, replicate an obsolete part or improve upon existing designs, our approach is customised to meet your specific objectives, ensuring outcomes that align perfectly with your needs. 
  • Expert Team: Our engineers are not just adept at using these tools; they are innovators in their own right, capable of solving complex challenges and delivering solutions that exceed expectations. 
  • Comprehensive Support: Choosing us for your reverse engineering needs means gaining a partner who offers comprehensive support throughout the project lifecycle.  
  • Proven Track Record: With a proven track record of delivering exceptional results using our advanced reverse engineering tools, we have become a trusted partner for businesses across various industries, from manufacturing to technology and beyond. 


At its core, reverse engineering is the process of deconstructing a product or component to understand its design, functionality, and operation. This method allows engineers to study an existing physical object to identify its properties, materials, and production methods without having the original design documentation. The primary goal is to recreate or improve upon the design, whether to manufacture a replacement part, enhance functionality, or understand competitor products. 

Reverse engineering offers numerous benefits, from product improvement to competitive analysis. By breaking down and analysing how a product is made, businesses can identify and replicate the core aspects that make it successful, adapt or improve upon them, and integrate these insights into their products. This approach is particularly useful for developing replacement parts for obsolete equipment, enhancing compatibility between different systems, or simply gaining a competitive edge by understanding rival products’ strengths and weaknesses.

To effectively reverse engineer a product, a diverse set of skills is required, encompassing both technical and analytical abilities. Engineers must have a deep understanding of the product’s intended functionality, along with knowledge of materials science, manufacturing processes, and design principles. Proficiency in using CAD (Computer-Aided Design) tools and understanding mechanical and electronic systems are crucial. Additionally, critical thinking and problem-solving skills are essential, as engineers often need to deduce the function of unfamiliar components or systems.  

Reverse engineering software is designed to facilitate the process of deconstructing a product or component into a digital model. Key features include the ability to scan physical objects using 3D scanning technologies, converting the scanned data into a 3D CAD model and analysing the model to understand its structure, materials, and manufacturing processes. This software typically offers tools for measuring dimensions, comparing the digital model against the original physical object, and modifying the model to improve or alter its design. Compatibility with various CAD formats and integration with CAD and CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing) tools for direct manufacturing are also essential features. 


Reverse engineering tools significantly enhance the engineering process by providing the means to accurately capture the dimensions and features of a physical object and convert them into a digital format. These tools, which include 3D scanners, CAD software and specialised analysis software, enable engineers to bypass the need for original design documents and directly create a digital replica of an object. This capability is crucial for analysing competitor products, creating replacement parts for obsolete equipment, or improving existing designs. By streamlining the transition from physical objects to digital models, these tools not only save time but also increase accuracy and open up new possibilities for innovation and design improvement.